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Papilloma, wart, mole - differences

Any new growth on the body are suspicious, especially if it is located in a prominent place, and appeared suddenly. First identify the mole, wart or papilloma may be in appearance, they have differences in color, size and shape.


In the past, cases of melanoma, and not only the appearance of warts on the body causes suspicion, but also new moles as well. Papilloma, wart and mole initially are benign tumors in the body.

The appearance of moles on the skin stimulates the hereditary factor, prolonged exposure to the sun, the effect of injury or viruses.

The appearance of moles on the skin stimulates a hereditary factor, or prolonged exposure to the sun, as an act of personal injury or viruses. That is, birthmarks appear on the body, for reasons of heredity and exposure to external factors and papillomavirus warts and - as a consequence of infection with the virus body.

Just identify the mole, wart and papilloma can only dermatologist. Yet preliminary inspection may be carried out independently. Papilloma feels soft and friable, and mole - dense. The papilloma have vessels in a mole - only skin cells. Papilloma is usually beige or pinkish color, birthmark - darker skin, usually brown. Place papilloma location - mucous membranes and friction places on the skin, a mole can be in any one place in the body. Papilloma is not smooth (torn) edge and protrudes above the skin significantly, the mole is symmetrical and smooth edges. Papilloma causes itching or pain, discomfort birthmark does not deliver.

The difference between papilloma and wart can also be detected visually, but it is not easy and can often distinguish between them only a dermatologist. At present papilloma leg warts borders more clear. Papilloma located under the armpits, groin, under the breasts, warts more frequently - on the lower and upper extremities.

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