About papilloma
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The more dangerous papilloma?

The appearance of cutaneous papillomas to cover the body occurs as a consequence of the presence of human papilloma virus in the blood. It would seem that a small tumor on the skin is not dangerous, it is not always interfere and worried man. But the human papilloma virus affects the skin and mucous membranes and can not always be noted that this is only one tumor on the body. Papillomavirus can be present on the inner mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals, and if they are single, so not always visible eyes.


What is dangerous papilloma? Their presence in the body - a risk factor for cancer, such as cervical cancer, the external genital organs of men and women. But the presence of warts on the body does not mean that you have cancer! It depends on the type of HPV. Types 16, 18, 31 and 33 are characterized by the appearance of warts, and the risk of cancer when present in the body is really high. But from the moment of infection by human papilloma virus to the onset of the cancer complications passes not less than 10 years, and so on for all of 20 years.

There are factors that increase the risk of complications - a messy sex, alcohol consumption, smoking, being overweight. All this affects the human immune system and provoke the development of human papilloma virus. Random and frequent sex lead to infection of infections such as chlamydia, syphilis and others. These viruses contribute to destructive changes of human papilloma virus, which leads to the development of cancer.

Noticing suspicious on your body skin formation, immediately consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis of the disease. Prompt medical consultation will prevent the development of papillomas hazards.

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