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Treatment of warts

Papilloma - a manifestation of the presence in the body of human papillomavirus. Diagnosis of warts is conducted to determine the most effective treatment. After the complex of diagnostic measures determined by the method of treatment of warts. Tablets of papillomas does not exist, though it is a viral disease. Although recently it appeared a drug called "Panavir", but this medical intravenous drug that contributes to the destruction of HPV in the blood. Unfortunately, the drug is quite "young" and tested in practice a little, in order to conclude that it is the only cure for warts. There are ointments for the treatment of warts, the composition of which is based on folk medicine. But their effectiveness is not very.

The most common treatment for warts - removal from the skin by radiofrequency coagulation.

Surgical treatment of warts is the most popular and fast relief from unpleasant skin formations attracts many patients. Methods of surgical treatment of papillomas much - scalpel, radiohirugriya, chemical coagulation, electrocautery, laser surgery, cryosurgery. they all act directly on papilloma and remove it.

Treatment of warts is not only in their removal, but also strengthen the immune system of the patient as well as the human papilloma virus affects the immune system and leaves the body negatively virtually defenseless. But the immune system must not only strengthen but also to maintain its well-balanced nutrition, moderate exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

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