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Treatment of warts by folk methods

From any of the diseases our nation comes up with an ingenious lot of recipes based on herbs and plants. And papilloma no exception.

In the treatment of papillomas  traditional methods ranks first celandine. The result of the use of celandine in fresh form is identical to the purchased in the pharmacy preparation. Papillomas all as it looks, it is necessary to lubricate the fresh celandine three times a day. Bandaging the thread neoplasm to it quickly fell off strictly prohibited, if you do the treatment correctly, it will disappear by itself after some time.


Another popular method for the treatment of warts is a protein of chicken eggs. It is effective only for the newly emerging entities. To such a popular method of cure papilloma need to lubricate them every two hours, protein, previous smeared layers with no flush. By this method, you can add the use of potato juice hundred milliliters in the morning and evening to lift immunity.

In addition to these methods of traditional medicine to remove warts can apply tea tree oil at home. The principle of its operation and use of the same method as that of celandine.

Treatment of warts by folk methods can be a simple soap. It is necessary to rub papilloma before bedtime, after about 3-4 days under the skin neoplasm blush and then carry out any manipulation is not necessary, simply wait until papilloma disappear.

Garlic is a popular way to treat warts probably everyone knows. Rub fresh garlic papilloma necessary twice a day, avoiding garlic to healthy skin to prevent burns.

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