About papilloma
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Papilloma - what is it?

Papilloma - a benign tumor designation cumulative skin growths and mucous membranes warty character. The source of the appearance of papillomas is - the human papilloma virus. The number of lesions on the skin depends on the degree of damage to the body by a virus. It appears equally often, and the representatives of the stronger sex, and the fairer sex. Examination and treatment is carried out in dermatology and venereology gynecologist. The tumor does not appear immediately after infection with the human virus, and after 2-3 months, and even years. Most often papillomas appear in people with reduced immunity. The carriers of HPV are about 90% of people.

Papilloma - a tumor that is considered benign, has the form of the papilla. papillomas often confused with warts or moles. In papillomas have a characteristic shape - mushroom (swelling in the leg), but can occur and flat papillomas. Beauty man, they do not give, prevent under clothes and just annoying. As a rule, papillomas appear prominently on the body - neck, face, eyelids, armpits. But very often they are and on the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals. They are not only single, but also multiple.

Papilloma - skin formation, which are caused by papilloma virus, which is transmitted through everyday contact and. HPV can live a long time in a person, and not to appear on the skin, can trigger the occurrence of papillomas elementary tan, going to the solarium or swimming pool, etc. Papilloma virus can be infected more often through sexual contact.

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