About papilloma
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Causes of warts

The causes of papillomas on the body and in humans have presence of HPV in it. How can he take the body? This is one of the most common viral infections. Some studies suggest that 90% of people there are carriers of HPV, while others sources claim that about 50% of people living in the body of the virus. Dispatched by the human papilloma virus is mainly through sexual contact, but infection is possible and at home. He also has a genetic origin. For a long time the virus can hover in the air, water or on objects. There are nearly 600 kinds of human papilloma virus.

It is often confused with each other papillomas, warts and moles. But this is completely different skin formation in the human body. Papilloma is the formation of skin tissue and epithelium in the form of a mushroom - "a tumor on the leg."

The causes of warts is often not personal hygiene: using another pair of scissors, washcloths, towels. Shaking hands, if they are present cracks or sores can also cause the appearance of papillomas. Visiting public places such as swimming pools, saunas, gyms, beauty salons can also be infected with the human papilloma virus. All of these virus risk factors are possible in the presence of small wounds and cracks on the skin of people.

The most common cause of warts is a sexually transmitted virus infection. Because of this reason the appearance of warts in females may be a number of gynecological diseases, as a complication, up to cancer.

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